Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Grace Before Meals

Gregory Mussmacher, God Bless!! Everyone should check this out!!

Grace Before Meals
You’ve probably already heard about this national movement but in case you haven’t, let me tell you a little something about it.
There is a growing movement called Grace Before Meals. It was started by Fr. Leo Patalinghug and aims to help families unite around the dinner table for stronger families and better food.Fr. Leo sends out a free weekly e-mail that you can sign up to receive. The Grace Before Meals web sites offers a few simply suggestions that every family can undertake to strengthen the bonds of the family:
Eat meals with my family at least five days per week (or as many as possible)
Say Grace before each meal, no matter where I am
Turn off the TV while eating dinner
Introduce interesting topics for the family to discuss at mealtime
Engage the family in preparing meals
Be sure to check it out!

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