Wednesday, September 17, 2008

All Work and No Play?

Gregory Mussmacher trying to serve in God's image!
Another terrific e-mail blast from Father Leo!!!

All Work and No Play?

I can see Jack Nicholson with the bloody axe in his hand walking through the snowy maze. You guessed it. The movie The Shining was one I watched as a teenager, leaving me with many sleepless nights. Despite the horror of it all, one thing about the movie stuck out and still rings clear in my mind: “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” It’s frighteningly true!
In this week’s blast, I’d like to reflect on this summer. It was busy – traveling to Rome, Colorado, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Canada, Australia, and Japan. Let’s just say the excitement of travel has diminished. But, I’m not asking for pity. I actually had a great time doing the work, once I got through the airport. Many people sent me messages expressing concern and advising caution about the crazy schedule I kept this summer. Don’t worry, I was able to find time to relax and enjoy the blessings of summer. In the days of rest, I definitely found the peace of God.
Let me highlight a few of those grace-filled moments:
I spent some time in famous Ocean City, Maryland. When I’m there, it’s tradition for me to have breakfast at a great restaurant. The name says it all.
Leo’s is run by a faith-filled Greek Orthodox couple, who named the restaurant after their son who died several years ago. When they learned I was a Catholic priest, they never ceased to show me tremendous charity and generosity that came from their deep faith and respect in Christ’s sacred priesthood. When I go there, I feel a little like family, and no doubt, their food is very good.

At the beach, a local sand sculptor reminds visitors, especially tanners, to make sure they also spend some time with the true Son. Talk about fun in the “Son!” My 2-night stay in Ocean City left me with beautiful memories and a serious sunburn. You can see just how lobster-red I got by watching the new webisodes we produced the day after my time at the beach.
Speaking of lobster, I wrote a blast a few weeks ago about my weeklong get away in Bar Harbor, Maine with some priest friends. It was a week of hiking, kayaking, and biking. And, since I’m such a food fanatic, let’s not forget stopping along the way; not to smell the roses, but to pick wild blueberries.
Even though the weather was on the cool side, highs in the 70s and rainy, things heated up in the kitchen.
No summer is complete without sports, but I’m not talking about playing sports. Instead, I watched the game from a private lounge and enjoyed catered ballpark food. Now that’s a hot dog!
Tim Watkins invited Fr. Erik and me to this private lounge to watch the game and to feast with his family and a few other friends from Renegade Productions.
By the way, for those who have contacted us at the production company, you may have spoken or worked with Melissa. So you can put a face with a name, here she is enjoying some time with her number one fan – he also happens to be an O’s fan.
Yesiree, summer gave me lots to be grateful for. I pray that you and your family had time for rest, relaxation, and recreation. We need all the strength we can get to face another busy season full of responsibilities; therefore, we need the strength that comes only from the Sabbath, i.e., rest. You can see just how big a responsibility it is for me to serve some of our new seminarians.
As families, you have a great responsibility to ensure a proper and balanced perspective on life for yourself and your children. All work and no play makes us a you-know-what. So, if you’re already stressing out with work looming over your head, don’t abandon it; put it in God’s hands and ask for grace to help you make it through. In the midst of your journey, whether it takes you to the office, school, or even the beach, remember to seek God’s presence. If you look, you’ll find Him.

Cool Summer Tomato Mousse

At one of the opening banquets of the academic year, Irene Powell, the wife of Mount St. Mary’s University President, Dr. Thomas Powell, invited me away from the tents to taste a perfect summer tomato mousse. This week, I offer my version of her recipe as a tribute to summer. This recipe is a great way to relive vibrant summer days – with your taste buds!
Click here for the recipe.
Suffering Through the Hurricanes
Recently, many families in the gulf coast region have been terribly affected by hurricanes and tropical storms. With recent storms Gustav, Hanna, and Ike, dangerous weather has been a constant reminder of how delicate our lives are. However, it also inspires us to remember that we can weather the storms of life with prayer, trust in God’s protection, and dedication to helping each other. My upcoming conferences in Houma-Thibodaux, originally set for October 18-19, were canceled due to the devastation of Hurricane Gustav. For all of those affected by the hurricanes, I offer you my heartfelt prayers. May God bless you as you rebuild your homes, neighborhoods, and cities. Our Lord calmed the storm and will give you the peace of mind to rebuild by keeping your eyes fixed on Him. Amen.
Ask Fr. Leo for fatherly advice.Any submissions may be used in future Grace Before Meals publications.
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