Gregory Mussmacher, Triumph by the reign of Thy Sacred Heart! Finally, Lord Jesus, grant that by our fidelity to FIRST FRIDAY COMMUNION, we may obtain the rewards of THY GREAT PROMISE the grace that we shall not die under Thy displeasure, nor without receiving the last Sacraments, that Thy Divine Heart may be our final refuge at that last hour. Amen.
Remember This Well
Pauly Fongemie
It seems as if the whole world is convulsed in auto destruction as it increasingly engages in or casually dismisses acts of abominable impiety and the willful spoilation of holy images, a very rebellion against the Sacred, that is, all that is to be held in awe and with reverence as revealed by the One and Only God Who created Heaven and earth. Nature, created to be under the purview of man appears to be in revolt against a mankind that says "we will not serve the Holy Trinity, but Mammon." At least nature conforms to its "nature", even if we reject common sense in order to deny our very nature or purpose of being: that is, having polluted much of creation after first having rendered ourselves so impure as to be almost unrecognizable as "above the animals", we now turn to "saving the earth" while ignoring our own souls in eternal jeopardy.
All around us there are riotous storms, raging brush fires, flash floods, volcanic eruptions undersea and above, more frequent earthquakes, war upon wars, blasphemies of every kind, tolerance for everything but the truth itself: just as a recent local tornado, unprecedented for our locale, was witnessed most vividly when could be seen in the nearby sky a large funnel of wind, like a vortex, about to seize us within its surge----and it did----weaving a wobbly, uneven path bringing down large trees that had sheltered generations, blowing off roofs, knocking out electric power for days for some; and now another storm on our horizon within hours. Meanwhile our border to the south is an open sieve about to expand into a full-blown wind tunnel in reverse; although border patrolmen have been fired on and at least 50 people have been killed over the course of just a few years, those who most have the legal and moral duty to maintain national sovereignty and its requisite security compound the threat with apathy, incompetence, and much worse. It was almost funny, certainly perverse, to listen to the pundits weigh in for Israel in the current hostilities, saying, "if the enemy had fired rockets against us from just over the border, we would do the same." But they have, the weapon of choice being of the human variant and those we elected to be in charge have joined the enemy for all practical purposes. Not only would we not do the same as Israel, whatever may be their moral claims or not, we are welcoming with open arms and benefits the local version of Hezbollah. We are without a voice in the courts of the land----the black-robed Robbin' Hoods too busy finding rationales for which to plunder us of our homes under the claim of "eminent domain"----while abroad it is one war cry after another and the rockets that flare have nothing to do with a celebratory national hymn.
Within our very Church there rains down upon us a Pontiff who will not reign and will not safeguard our "borders", that of Sacred Tradition, instead entertaining one novelty upon another in the very renunciation of what a Pope must do, not simply ought to do, the puppet of an unseen master of seductive deceit.
All around us we hear reports of more Catholics becoming confused, fearing to lose the Faith as our faithless bishops desert the flock by denial and refusing to lead as Christ led His Apostles and they in turn led their flocks into Martyrdom. Every day there is a report of this Catholic or that Catholic taking refuge where once even Angels feared to tread.
It is the way of the world, separated from Christ, and before Him, His Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit, to be at war and in convulsion. All societies and lands have experienced what we experience: to them it must have seemed as if the end of the world itself, not just for themselves, was nigh as well. Those who are cavalier about doom and gloom often recount this fact as if to say because it once was true, it must be again. This time it is different for a case can be made that at the very least Christ had not been preached in every land to the ends of the earth for much of that long ago time. Widespread apostasy would not have necessarily applied then. This is now.
You counter, what about the Muslim countries, He has not been preached in many of them.
Not so, not so. Every Muslim country was once either non-Muslim and open to conversion and or already Christian. Until the 7th century the heresy of Islam was unheard of, Christ had not been ejected there as He is today, a veritable outcast among all of us just as He was and still is among His Own.
No, the world has been shown Christ and has chosen to ignore Him, nay even to commit sacrilege to do so.
And still His Mercy is there, for as if to prepare this stiff-necked, violent, self-indulgent, impure, contrary generation, He has sent holy heralds of His Mercy in His Most Sacred Heart, from St. Gertrude to Our Lady of Fatima ... if only we would heed. What will it take????
Truth is despised throughout the land and throughout what is left of Christendom. I receive well-meant advice from those who tell me, "soften the truth", "blunt your words" ... "hold back" . . .
But this is what the world needs most, a certain trumpet, that crystal clear clarion call of God's saving Truth, not its denial by degree. It has always been so, for man's nature is to be restless until his soul finds blessed repose in the One True God, for we are created for Him.
It behooves us all to remember well the following words of wisdom and then immerse ourselves anew in Our Lord's Most Sacred Heart. At the bottom of the page is a special prayer to the Sacred Heart, "Thy Kingdom Come", which is also on a special prayer page in the Christ the King drectory. Never have we been more in need:
And will not God revenge His elect who cry to Him day and night:
and will He have patience in their regard?
I say to you, that He will quickly revenge them.
But yet the Son of Man, when He cometh,
shall He find, think you, faith on earth?
------St. Luke 18:7-8
In the Church. I perceive two kinds of persecutions: the first in its beginnings, under the Roman Empire, in which violence inexorably prevailed; the second at the end of time, when seduction will reign.
YOU must speak ill of evil, roundly and frankly, and blame things that are blameworthy. In blaming vice, you must spare as much as possible the person in whom it is found. But among these persons, I exclude the declared enemies of God and His Church; as for those, you must censure them as much as you can.
------Saint Francis de Sales
THERE will be a sort of false peace in the world; people will think only of amusing themselves; the wicked will lend themselves to all sorts of sins; but the children of the Holy Church, THE CHILDREN OF FAITH, My true imitators, will grow in the love of God and in the virtues that are dearest to Me.
------The Blessed Virgin, Secret of La Salette
One betrays the truth not only when he disguises it or speaks falsely; not to dare to proclaim it entirely is sufficient. For only one outrage can be made against the truth, and that is to hide it.
The greatest service a man can render his fellow men in times of fallacy or obscurity is to declare the truth fearlessly, even when no one will listen. For it opens a fissure of light into men's minds, and even if his voice does not succeed in rising above the noises of the moment, at least it will be welcomed in the future as the messenger of salvation.
-----Msgr. Freppel
THE modern age and the contemporary era which is prolonging it are characterized by a counterfeit of Christianity: the Christianity which we hold as true and whose very substance is supernatural, is substituted by a Christianity devoid of anything supernatural, a Christianity which no longer has the person of man gravitate around God but around himself, thereby secularizing him completely, making him the origin and end of all things.
-----Marcel de Corte, Professor at the University of Louvain
L 'Ordre français, Versailles, 1976, No. 213
WANTING to reconcile the Faith with the modern spirit leads not only to a weakening of the Faith, but to its total ruin.
------Pope St. Pius x
The great disease of our times is cowardice. All audacities stem from this, and they go far. Whoever does not offer opposition when the cause of God is at stake is an accomplice. We will undergo dreadful woes. The time will come when the only ones who are happy will be those who are willing to suffer.
-----Louis Veuillot
Consciences that fear the light become angered against those who have the mission of enlightening them; they do not want to hear any counsels, warnings or remarks; they dismiss every word of truth, for fear that it will be their condemnation.
-----Fr. Theodore Ratisbonne
Miettes Évangeliques
WE can die from the "LESSER EVIL". The lesser evil can be the worst evil of all. It is effacement, abdication, an accommodating attitude towards the wicked. There is something worse than a stated denial, and that is the smiling abandonment of principles, a gradual shifting with an appearance of fidelity.
-----M. Piou, quoted by Jacques Ploncard d'Assac
in L'Église occupée.
THERE is an evil more murderous than persecution, and that is the deceitful poisoning of the mentality of the people.
------Saint Cyprian
THIS is our victory: that we not yield to the times, but obey God.
------Saint Athanasius
FEAR NOT, little flock, for it has pleased God your Father to give you the kingdom. Fear not, though you have everything to dread. You are but a feeble flock, so tiny that a child can count it. And behold the nations, worldlings, misers, pleasure-seekers and libertines gathered by the thousands to fight you with their mockery, calumnies, contempt and acts of violence.
You are little, they are great. You are poor, they are rich. You have no influence, they have solid backing. You are weak, they have authority in hand. But only one more blow, do not fear voluntarily. Listen to Jesus Christ, Who tells you: It is I Who am your Good Shepherd, and I know you as My sheep. Be not surprised if the world hates you. Know that it hated Me first. If you were of the world, the world would cherish you as something that belongs to it. But since you are not of the world, you
must suffer its hatred, calumnies and insults, its contempt and outrages.
The Eternal Father tells you: Little company, I am your protector and your defense. I have graven you on My Heart and written you on My hands, to cherish and defend you, because you have placed your trust in Me and not in men, in My Providence and not in money.
------Saint Louis Mary de Montfort, Cf. God Alone: The Collected Writings of St. Louis Mary de Montfort (Montfort Publications: Bay Shore, NY, 1987), "Letter to the Members of the Company of Mary," p. 431-432.
IT is better that scandal should occur than to hide the truth.
------Pope Saint Gregory the Great
WE must not delude oneself: Whoever undertakes the project of performing a work of God directly aimed against all Hell must expect to be opposed by men, by disappointment and by the spirit of darkness.
-----Blessed Melanie Calvat, Letter, Oct. 28, 1899
We must hope in God all the more when things seem more desperate; when human help fails, Divine help is not far away.
-----Saint Ignatius Loyola
God will purify the Holy Church and renew the spirit of His elect by a means that defies every human prevision, and after these things, there will be such a perfect reform of the Holy Church of God, and such a happy renewal of holy shepherds, that at this thought my spirit rejoices in the Lord.
-----Saint Catherine of Siena
Taken from JESUS, MARY, JOSEPH NOVENA MANUAL: Father Stedman
LORD, we ask for more than Thy Mercy! We desire Thee to reign over us. Thine interests must be ours. By the Love of Thy Sacred Heart, which surpasses all knowledge, we beg Thee, O Jesus, to fulfill in our time the promises made to St. Margaret Mary. In union with Holy Church, through the intercession of Thy Virgin Mother, for the honor of Thy Holy Name, JESUS, we ask Thee to hasten and establish the reign of Thy Divine Heart, here and now.
Triumph by the reign of Thy Sacred Heart! Hasten Thy reign, O Jesus, before Satan and the world snatch more souls from Thee and corrupt every state of life.
Triumph by the reign of Thy Sacred Heart! Come, O Jesus! and gain the victory of Thy Love in every home. Reign there by Thy Peace, promised to all who have joyfully received Thee into their homes.
Triumph by the reign of Thy Sacred Heart! Do not delay, Beloved Jesus, for many homes are suffering bitter evils which Thou alone canst heal.
Triumph by the reign of Thy Sacred Heart! Come! because Thou art strong; because Thou art the God of life's battles. In Thy Pierced and Wounded Side is Thy Pledge to us and our hope of Heaven at the hour of death.
Triumph by the reign of Thy Sacred Heart! Good Master! what of the numberless lukewarm and indifferent souls? Hasten to enlighten them in devotion to Thy Loving Heart.
Triumph by the reign of Thy Sacred Heart! Give to priests who love Thee, and who preach Thy Love the power of eloquence to draw souls to Thy Heart.Sphere: Related Content
Homily - 27 January 2025 - The Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
*The Third Sunday in Ordinary Time *(C)
Dear brothers and sisters,
In the Gospel passage(s) we have just heard, Mother Church presents to us
two beginn...
3 days ago
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